6 Ways for Your Company to Go Green

Making your company more eco-friendly has its benefits. The top advantage is that you are doing your share in saving the environment. Besides that, it’s also an excellent way to promote your brand. People are now more aware of the importance of being green, and they tend to navigate towards the use of companies that support and promote caring for the environment. You will also attract potential employees to be part of your team, as they more likely want to be part of a company that cares about nature. There are different ways on how to make your company green, and here are some of them.

Promote recycling

Encourage employees to recycle. Place bins around the workplace and label them properly, so they can put the trash to where they belong. It will help lessen the garbage that reaches the landfill. If there are metal items that need to go away, you can even earn from them by selling them in a scrap yard and use the money for your green projects.

Use energy-efficient appliances

Many appliances now have energy-saving features. Using them is one way to turn environment-friendly, and it will also help you save on your electric bill. It’s a win-win situation for you. While natural resources are used in producing energy, the process also generates toxic gases that contribute to global warming. Lower use of energy means a lower need for power production, which in turn benefits the environment.

Reduce the use of paper

Paper products are staples in the workplace. If you cannot go completely paperless, at least use as little paper as you can. Cloud storage is now available. Save your files online or on your computer, so there is no need to print and file them. It also brings more convenience because searching and retrieving documents is quicker. Make sure to back them up to have a copy if something happens to the main files.

Buy eco-friendly products

Support eco-friendly products, such as those that use recycled packaging and items made from recycled materials. Buy from local manufacturers and suppliers as much as possible. There is lesser transport involved in locally sourced products, which also means lesser carbon footprint. If you are in the food industry or have a canteen in the workplace, go for organic products that do not use pesticides. These are chemicals that can also be dangerous to the environment.

Monitor food excess

If you provide free food to your employees, see if there are leftovers. Then, adjust your supplies and your servings, so there is little to no food waste. You can also contact organizations or companies that can collect excess foods that they can use for composting.

Encourage green transportation

Promote green transportation in the office. If the budget allows, designate a company service that will pick employees up in certain areas. Encourage them to carpool or take public transport. Reward them to further motivate them to participate in this initiative.

Now is the right time to go green. You will benefit from good branding, and you also do your part in caring for the environment.

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