Effective SEO Strategies in 2017-2018. Case Study: Adobe Creative Cloud

SEO is the lifeblood of any website that intends to survive and thrive online. Digital marketing efforts extend way past the mere establishment of a website. A business has to ensure that its website attracts the necessary traffic required to enable it to be successful and attain its set objectives. Adobe is known for its professional software across the various digital industries like graphic design, web development, video editing, or anything that’s digital. Adobe is one of the companies that has invested considerably in web content, web development, and SEO in order to maximize its returns. Let’s look at the best SEO strategies that you should be considering for the coming 2018, and how Adobe has successfully implemented them to outshine its competitors.

Social Media

If you are thinking SEO, chances are that you already know that social media is the digital playground for most people today, and also where you are most likely to find the market for whatever product you want to sell – especially digital products. As of 2012, Adobe introduced its Creative Cloud products. The Creative Cloud is Adobe’s way of integrating all its products and enabling collaboration through social media. The introduction of Adobe Creative Cloud presented an opportunity for Adobe to illustrate the business value of merging new social media approaches with its cloud technology for creative professionals (Adobe maximizes its digital marketing returns, 2014). The general outcome was impressive; the social media team attained and counted up to 10 times ROI and attracted beyond 3 billion direct visits to Adobe.com in just two months subsequent to the launch of Creative Cloud. From the first time the Adobe Creative Cloud was introduced, the influence of social media has been developing throughout Adobe web pages. The social visitors to Adobe.com convert at almost twice the average conversion rate and the impact of social media has been even more prominent (Adobe maximizes its digital marketing returns, 2014).

Adobe realized a long time ago the value of social media and encouraging collaboration. It’s from that perspective that it decided to develop a new framework for its products. Adobe’s Creative Cloud was the result and as you can see from the illustration above, it considerably transformed the performance and success of the enterprise, particularly online.

SEO Tools

Search Engine Optimization has been around for some time now and the number of tools that have been developed to facilitate it is vast. These tools have been created to help websites monitor their progress as far as SEO is concerned, as well as provide various means for helping websites get good ranks in search engines. Google as a search engine, has provided some tools to help websites get the best rankings possible in its search results. Most companies have taken the time and spent money to learn how these tools function in order to take advantage of them and ensure they are placed at the right place in search results (according to Parxavenue.ca). Adobe is one of these companies. In 2011, Adobe discovered that the general traffic to their website for non-branded keywords was minimal. With only one product page containing all their none-detailed features on it, Google couldn’t apply a theme to the page, which ensued in little to no rankings for any particular word (Kronrod, Adobe SEO Case Study | BrightEdge, 2017).

Using Google Webmaster and BrightEdge, Adobe’s Senior Global SEO Manager, Kirill Kronrod, was able to remedy this issue. Within a year, traffic for non-branded keywords increased by 8% together with an improvement in conversions (Kronrod, Adobe SEO Case Study | BrightEdge, 2017). The share of Voice, which is a report generated by the BrightEdge platform, indicated that Adobe claimed around 66% of the traffic from the non-branded keywords.

Adobe employed two SEO tools (Google Webmaster and BrightEdge SEO platform) to attract traffic to its features page. These tools enabled the enterprise to improve its current ranking on search engines, as well as increase the amount of traffic to the site.

As you can see, SEO is crucial for any online business. Adobe is a good example of the success that can be achieved with good SEO strategies. Digital marketing is the biggest thing today as far as marketing is concerned. All online organizations recognize this reality. SEO is becoming more important with each passing minute. Considering that the internet is an ever-developing technology, SEO will become even more important in the future. In 2018, we’ll be seeing more technologies being implemented and others being introduced. Some of the strategies you should be looking forward to in 2018 are:

  • Mobile-First web designs; More Responsive Web design
  • Websites tailored for Google’s RankBrain
  • Websites with more video content
  • More emphasis on quality content and less emphasis on keyword quantity


Adobe maximizes its digital marketing returns. (2014). San Jose, California, USA.

Kronrod, K. (2017, December 15). Adobe SEO Case Study | BrightEdge. Retrieved from BrightEdge: https://www.brightedge.com/resources/case-studies/adobe

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